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Valentin Georgiev Georgiev


Joined 2 years ago


All questions must be answered. Here are the Answers given by this user in the Forum.

Bingo!Lesson complete.Thank you very much.Stay awesome.
2 years ago
**let x = 0;

while (x < 9) {
if (x === 5) {
x = x + 1;

*// expected output: 5*
2 years ago
Please write your code and task.
2 years ago
Bingo , I got it just wrote script.js in first code editor.
2 years ago
I puted **document.write("

Hello World

");** in script.js .On the console I got the solution with bold text.
2 years ago
Thank you so much!
2 years ago
The solution is ready, just change === wtih == .
2 years ago
It print on the console 'Wait' and then after submission it appears message "Provide the correct condition in the if statement."
2 years ago
The problem is : Use if, else if and else statement to do so.
Use if statement to check if the value of the signal variable is green, if green, print the following on the console: Go
Then use else if statements, to check if the signal is yellow, or red. In the case of yellow, print Wait on the console, and in the case of red, print Stop on the console.
In the else block, print, Error on the console.
For, green = Go,
yellow = Wait,
red = Stop,
and apart from these values = Error.
2 years ago
Python Online Practice Test - 4
2 years ago
Thank you very much !
2 years ago