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All questions must be answered. Here are the Answers given by this user in the Forum.

In the event that you would prefer not to set a fixed width on the inward div you could accomplish something like this:
***#outer {
width: 100%;
text-align: center;

#inner {
display: inline-block;

Foo foo

That makes the internal **div** into an inline component that can be focused with **text-align**.
3 years ago
Modax is an open source web application management framework. Modex was originally developed in combination with PHP and Support Cloud. I wrote about a previous add-on for Modex. I discussed various options for using Priority in Modex and other languages. Modex also offers a part front plugin from Drupal.

prevnext is a free addon used in mods to provide navigation.
3 years ago
Accept that the substance of is:.

***class YourClass:
# ......***
***from YourClassParentDir import YourClass # means***
Along these lines, you will get TypeError: 'module' object isn't callable on the off chance that you, attempted to call **YourClass().**
But, if you apply:
***from YourClassParentDir.YourClass import YourClass # means Class YourClass***
or use **YourClass.YourClass()**, it works.
3 years ago
For any individual who is as yet running into this issue. I had a comparable issue where I could see my gadget from adb on the order line utilizing **adb gadgets** however Android Studio would not perceive when I had a gadget appended and would toss all things considered:
***Unable to locate adb within SDK*** or
***Unable to obtain result of 'adb version'***
I had attempted beginning/stops of adb, uninstalls, of stage instruments, and the sky is the limit from there. What I found was that inside my C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Android organizer I had different sdk envelopes. I played out the following:
1. Unistall Platform-Tools using Android Studio's SDK Manager
2. Deleted all **platform-tools\** directories within each **C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Android\sdk** directory
3. Reinstalled Platform-Tools using Android Studio's SDK Manager
Expect this benefits someone with their problem
3 years ago
***Element[] array = new Element[] { new Element(1), new Element(2), new Element(3) };***
The easiest answer is to do:
***List list = Arrays.asList(array);***

This will turn out great. Yet, a few provisos:

1. The rundown got back from asList has fixed size. In this way, in the event that you need to have the option to add or eliminate components from the returned list in your code, you'll need to envelop it with another **ArrayList**. Else you'll get an **UnsupportedOperationException**.

2. The rundown got back from **asList()** is supported by the first cluster. On the off chance that you change the first exhibit, the rundown will be adjusted also. This might be amazing.
3 years ago
***new ArrayList(){{
What this is really doing is making a class got from **rrayList** (the external arrangement of supports do this) and afterwards proclaim a static initialiser (the internal arrangement of supports). This is really an inward class of the containing class, thus it'll have an understood this pointer. Not an issue except if you need to serialize it, or you're anticipating that the outer class should be trash gathered.

Alter: ongoing Java renditions give more usable capacities to making such assortments, and merit exploring over the abovementioned (gave at a time prior to these variants)
3 years ago
1. Open & Edit **/etc/my.cnf** or **/etc/mysql/my.cnf,** depending on your distro.
2. Add **skip-grant-tables** under **[mysqld]**
3. Restart Mysql
4. You should be able to login to mysql now using the below command **mysql -u root -p**
5. Run **mysql> flush privileges;**
6. Set new password by **ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'NewPassword';**
7. Go back to /etc/my.cnf and *remove/comment* skip-grant-tables
8. Restart Mysql
9. Now you will be able to login with the new password **mysql -u root -p**
3 years ago
The variable **item** is a string. An index looks like this:

***>>> mystring = 'helloworld'
>>> print mystring[0]
The above example uses the **0** index of the string to refer to the first character.

Strings can't have string indices (like dictionaries can). So this won't work:

***>>> mystring = 'helloworld'
>>> print mystring['stringindex']
TypeError: string indices must be integers***
3 years ago
As Topaco notes, the part after the **UKC19TRACING:1:** is a JWT. You can decode it at as the following:

"alg": "ES256",
"kid": "YrqeLTq8z-ofH5nzlaSGnYRfB9bu9yPlWYU_2b6qXOQ"
This tells you how it's signed, and the identifier of the key that signed it.

"id": "V5VWX39R",
"opn": "Pipley Barn Café",
"adr": "Pipley Barn\nBrockham End\nLansdown",
"pc": "BA19BZ",
"vt": "008"
This is the signed payload. This isn't encrypted (and isn't meant to be). It's just b64-encoded and signed, along with the header.

You're correct that this could be implemented by a large database and a sparse identifier. The point of a JWT is that you don't need the database (and more importantly, don't need a mechanism for performing a database lookup). Because the data is signed, you can trust this payload was generated by an entity with access to the signing key. To validate this signature, you need the public key (generally as a JWK) for the given kid.
3 years ago
Just a side-note. Sometimes this "margin" error occurs because you want to save a high-resolution figure (eg. **dpi = 300** or **res = 300)** in R.
In this case, what you need to do is to specify the width and height. (Btw, **ggsave()** doesn't require this.)

This causes the margin error:

***# eg. for tiff()
tiff(filename = "qq.tiff",
res = 300, # the margin error.
compression = c( "lzw") )
# qq plot for genome wide association study (just an example)
qqman::qq(df$rawp, main = "Q-Q plot of GWAS p-values", cex = .3)***
This will fix the margin error:

***# eg. for tiff()
tiff(filename = "qq.tiff",
res = 300, # the margin error.
width = 5, height = 4, units = 'in', # fixed
compression = c( "lzw") )
# qq plot for genome wide association study (just an example)
qqman::qq(df$rawp, main = "Q-Q plot of GWAS p-values", cex = .3)***
3 years ago
In my case, I was converting a large byte array into a string using the following:

***String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint16Array(bytes))***
**bytes** contained several million entries, which is too big to fit on the stack.
3 years ago
You are using **
You are using **echo $_POST['C'];** to echo that array - this will not work, but instead, emit that notice and the word "Array".

Depending on what you did with the rest of the code, you should probably use **echo $_POST['C'][0];**
3 years ago