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All questions must be answered. Here are the Answers given by this user in the Forum.

WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = '{your_db}';
3 years ago
The default maximum precision of numeric and decimal data types is 38. In Transact-SQL, numeric is functionally equivalent to the decimal data type. Use the decimal data type to store numbers with decimals when the data values must be stored exactly as specified.

The behavior of float and real follows the IEEE 754 specification on approximate numeric data types. Because of the approximate nature of the float and real data types, do not use these data types when exact numeric behavior is required, such as in financial applications, in operations involving rounding, or in equality checks. Instead, use the integer, decimal, money, or smallmoney data types. Avoid using float or real columns in WHERE clause search conditions, especially the = and <> operators. It is best to limit float and real columns to > or < comparisons.
3 years ago
DROP TABLE table_name;
For Example
DROP TABLE Sampletable;
3 years ago
You can do the following (I guessed on table fields,etc)
SELECT s.studentname
, s.studentid
, s.studentdesc
, h.hallname
FROM students s
INNER JOIN hallprefs hp
on s.studentid = hp.studentid
INNER JOIN halls h
on hp.hallid = h.hallid
Based on your request for multiple halls you could do it this way. You just join on your Hall table multiple times for each room pref id:
SELECT s.StudentID
, s.FName
, s.LName
, s.Gender
, s.BirthDate
, s.Email
, r.HallPref1
, h1.hallName as Pref1HallName
, r.HallPref2
, h2.hallName as Pref2HallName
, r.HallPref3
, h3.hallName as Pref3HallName
FROM dbo.StudentSignUp AS s
INNER JOIN RoomSignUp.dbo.Incoming_Applications_Current AS r
ON s.StudentID = r.StudentID
INNER JOIN HallData.dbo.Halls AS h1
ON r.HallPref1 = h1.HallID
INNER JOIN HallData.dbo.Halls AS h2
ON r.HallPref2 = h2.HallID
INNER JOIN HallData.dbo.Halls AS h3
ON r.HallPref3 = h3.HallID
3 years ago
When you store data to a VARCHAR(N) column, the values are physically stored in the same way. But when you store it to a VARCHAR(MAX) column, behind the screen the data is handled as a TEXT value. So there is some additional processing needed when dealing with a VARCHAR(MAX) value. (only if the size exceeds 8000)

VARCHAR(MAX) or NVARCHAR(MAX) is considered as a 'large value type'. Large value types are usually stored 'out of row'. It means that the data row will have a pointer to another location where the 'large value' is stored.
3 years ago
SELECT DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, 0, @mydate), 0) AS StartOfMonth
3 years ago
you should put those two dates between single quotes like..
select Date, TotalAllowance from Calculation where EmployeeId = 1
and Date between '2011/02/25' and '2011/02/27'
or can use
select Date, TotalAllowance from Calculation where EmployeeId = 1
and Date >= '2011/02/25' and Date <= '2011/02/27'
keep in mind that the first date is inclusive, but the second is exclusive, as it effectively is '2011/02/27 00:00:00'
3 years ago
In TDS protocol, SET NOCOUNT ON only saves 9-bytes per query while the text "SET NOCOUNT ON" itself is a whopping 14 bytes. I used to think that 123 row(s) affected was returned from server in plain text in a separate network packet but that's not the case. It's in fact a small structure called DONE_IN_PROC embedded in the response. It's not a separate network packet so no roundtrips are wasted.

I think you can stick to default counting behavior almost always without worrying about the performance. There are some cases though, where calculating the number of rows beforehand would impact the performance, such as a forward-only cursor. In that case NOCOUNT might be a necessity. Other than that, there is absolutely no need to follow "use NOCOUNT wherever possible" motto.
3 years ago
To find the specific error run this:
And look in the LATEST FOREIGN KEY ERROR section.

The data type for the child column must match the parent column exactly. For example, since medicalhistory.MedicalHistoryID is an INT, Patient.MedicalHistory also needs to be an INT, not a SMALLINT.

Also, you should run the query set foreign_key_checks=0 before running the DDL so you can create the tables in an arbitrary order rather than needing to create all parent tables before the relevant child tables.
3 years ago
Changing Values:
array_map cannot change the values inside input array(s) while array_walk can; in particular, array_map never changes its arguments.
Array Keys Access:
array_map cannot operate with the array keys, array_walk can.
Return Value:
array_map returns a new array, array_walk only returns true. Hence, if you don't want to create an array as a result of traversing one array, you should use array_walk.
Iterating Multiple Arrays:
array_map also can receive an arbitrary number of arrays and it can iterate over them in parallel, while array_walk operates only on one.
Passing Arbitrary Data to Callback:
array_walk can receive an extra arbitrary parameter to pass to the callback. This mostly irrelevant since PHP 5.3 (when anonymous functions were introduced).
Length of Returned Array:
The resulting array of array_map has the same length as that of the largest input array; array_walk does not return an array but at the same time it cannot alter the number of elements of original array; array_filter picks only a subset of the elements of the array according to a filtering function. It does preserve the keys.

$origarray1 = array(2.4, 2.6, 3.5);
$origarray2 = array(2.4, 2.6, 3.5);

print_r(array_map('floor', $origarray1)); // $origarray1 stays the same

// changes $origarray2
array_walk($origarray2, function (&$v, $k) { $v = floor($v); });

// this is a more proper use of array_walk
array_walk($origarray1, function ($v, $k) { echo "$k => $v", "\n"; });

// array_map accepts several arrays
array_map(function ($a, $b) { return $a * $b; }, $origarray1, $origarray2)

// select only elements that are > 2.5
array_filter($origarray1, function ($a) { return $a > 2.5; })


[0] => 2
[1] => 2
[2] => 3
[0] => 2
[1] => 2
[2] => 3
0 => 2.4
1 => 2.6
2 => 3.5
[0] => 4.8
[1] => 5.2
[2] => 10.5
[1] => 2.6
[2] => 3.5
3 years ago
Expanding on someone else's answer:

Using json_encode() requires:

PHP 5.2.0 or greater
$myVarValue encoded as UTF-8 (or US-ASCII, of course)
Since UTF-8 supports full Unicode, it should be safe to convert on the fly.

Note that because json_encode escapes forward slashes, even a string that contains will be escaped safely for printing with a script block.
3 years ago
Run composer with --no-scripts

composer update --no-scripts
This shall fix the issue. I tried this on Mac and Linux.
3 years ago