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Python Tkinter Spinbox Widget

In this tutorial, we will cover Tkinter Spinbox widget in Python with its syntax and few examples. The Spinbox widget in Tkinter in Python is used to select a value from the specified given range of values.

It is different from the Tkinter Scale widget (Scale widget being more stylish) in terms of style, but more or less, fulfils the same purpose.

For example, when you want to have a dropdown of numerical values like year of birth (from 1950 to 2020) or a dropdown for user to choose their age, we can use the Tkinter Spinbox widget.

  • This widget is an alternative to Entry widget, when we want user to enter a numeric value within a specific range.

  • This widget is used only in the case where users need to chose from a given range of choices.

Tkinter Spinbox Widget

The syntax of the Spinbox widget is given below:

w = Spinbox(master, option=value)

In the above syntax, the master parameter denotes the parent window. You can use many options to configure your spinbox widget and these options are written as comma-separated key-value pairs.

Tkinter Spinbox Widget Options:

Following are the various options used with Tkinter Spinbox widgets:

Name of the Option Description
bg This option is used for the background color of the widget.
bd This option is used for the border width of the widget
command This option is used to indicate the associated function with the widget which is called every time the state of the widget is changed.
cursor With the help of this option, your mouse pointer type can be changed to the cursor type that is assigned to this option.
activebackground This option indicates the background color of the widget when it is under the focus
disabledbackground This option is used to indicate the background color of the widget when it is disabled.
disabledforeground This option is used to indicate the foreground color of the widget when it is disabled.
font This option specifies the font type of text inside the widget.
fg This option specifies the foreground color of the widget.
format This option is mainly used for the format string. There is no default value of this option.
from_ This option is used to indicate the starting range of the widget
justify This option specifies the alignment of multiple lines in the label. The default value is LEFT. Other values are RIGHT and CENTER.
relief This option indicates the type of border. The default value of this option is SUNKEN.
state This option is used to represent the state of the widget. The default value of this option is NORMAL. Other values are "DISABLED", "read-only", etc.
validate This option is used to control how to validate the value of the widget
to This option represents the maximum limit of the widget value. The other value is specified by the from_ option
repeatdelay This option is mainly used to control the autorepeat button. The value here is in milliseconds.
repeatinterval This option is similar to repeatdelay option. The value here is also given in milliseconds.
validatecommand This option is associated with the function callback that is used for the validation of the content of the widget.
xscrollcommand This option is mainly used with the set() method of the scrollbar widget to make this widget horizontally scrollable
wrap This option is mainly used to wrap-up the up and down button of the Spinbox
width This option indicates the width of the widget.
vcmd This option is similar to validatecommand.
values This option represents the tuple which contains the values for the widget
textvariable It is a control variable that is used to control the text of the widget

Tkinter Spinbox Widget Methods:

Following are the various methods used with Tkinter Spinbox widget:

Method Name Description
invoke(element) This method is used to invoke the callback that is associated with the widget.
insert(index,string) We use this method mainly to insert the string at the given specified index
index(index) To get the absolute value of the given index this method will be used
identify(x,y) This method is used to identify the widget's element in the specified range
get(startindex, endindex) This method is used to get the characters in the specified range
delete(startindex, endindex) This method is used to delete the characters in the specified range

Tkinter Spinbox Widget Example

Below we have a basic example of the Spinbox widget. Let us see the code snippet given below:

from tkinter import *

win = Tk() 

w = Label(win, text ='StudyTonight', fg="navyblue",font = "50") 

sp = Spinbox(win, from_= 0, to = 50) 


In the above code, we created a simple application window, with a Label widget and a Spinbox widget with range from 0 to 50.


So this how a TKinter Spinbox widget works. It is used for creating input for a specified range of numeric values, which user can select. If we have a defined range of numbers then its better to use the Spinbox widget rather than using a Tkinter Entry widget.

About the author:
I like writing content about C/C++, DBMS, Java, Docker, general How-tos, Linux, PHP, Java, Go lang, Cloud, and Web development. I have 10 years of diverse experience in software development. Founder @ Studytonight