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30+ Excel Keyboard Shortcuts for You to Use Excel Like a Pro

Posted in Tricks   LAST UPDATED: OCTOBER 8, 2021

    Microsoft Excel is a great tool for storing data, performing calculations, analysis and visualization of data and information and a lot more. It is one of the most widely used computer software in all workplaces worldwide. This software has been developed by Microsoft Company for platforms like Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS.

    MS Excel shortcuts for increasing productivity

    Here in this article, I am going to share the most useful Excel Keyboard Shortcuts that will increase your productivity by up to 70%.

    30+ Excel Keyboard Shortcuts:

    Here is a well-drafted list of some of the most useful and frequently used excel keyboard shortcuts:

    1. CTRL + A

    Selects all the rows and columns. Well, it actually selects the whole spreadsheet or the Excel sheet.

    2. CTRL + B

    It is a Bold format shortcut. It converts the selected text in the rows or columns into BOLD style.

    3. CTRL + D

    It is a Fill Down shortcut. This shortcut fills the data in the upper cell into the selected cell.

    4. CTRL + F

    This a Search shortcut. It finds a specific value in the Excel Sheet.

    5. CTRL + G

    This is a Goto shortcut. It is used to move the pointer from one cell to another.

    6. CTRL + H

    This a Replace shortcut. It replaces one value with another one. First of all, find a value that you want to replace then write the text that replaces it.

    7. CTRL + I

    It is Italic Font style format shortcut. It converts the text in the selected rows and columns to Italic format.

    8. CTRL + K

    Insert a HyperLink shortcut. You can add a hyperlink in your excel sheet by using this shortcut.

    9. CTRL + N

    Using this shortcut you could create a new empty workbook in your Excel software.

    10. CTRL + O

    It is a shortcut for Open. You can open already created Excel workbooks or sheets with this shortcut.

    11. CTRL + P

    It is a shortcut for Print. You can directly print the data in the excel sheet using this shortcut.

    12. CTRL + R

    It is the Fill Right shortcut. It fills the data into the selected cell from the cell left to it.

    13. CTRL + S

    Using this shortcut you can save your workbook on your personal computer.

    14. CTRL + U

    Using this shortcut you can add underline text decoration to your text in any row or in a column.

    15. CTRL + V

    This is a Paste shortcut. You can paste the data that is copied into cells.

    16. CTRL + W

    This is a shortcut for Close. You can close the current working sheet through this shortcut.

    17. CTRL + X

    This is a shortcut for Cut. It is an alternative to copying.

    18. CTRL + Y

    It is a shortcut for Repeat (Redo).

    19. CTRL + Z

    This is the Undo shortcut. You can recycle the data that is deleted with this command but it works only until you haven't closed an excel sheet.

    20. F1 KEY

    You can get help with your queries regarding Excel by pressing this key.

    21. F2 KEY

    You can Edit a specific cell that is highlighted.

    22. F7 KEY

    This is for spell checking in the workbook.

    23. F10 KEY

    Used for activating Menu bar.

    24. F11 KEY

    Used for creating a new chart.

    25. F12 KEY

    Shortcut for Save As settings.

    26. CTRL + Shift + :

    Used for inserting Current Time.

    27. CTRL + ;

    Used for inserting Current Date.

    28. CTRL + "

    Used for copying a value from the cell above.

    29. CTRL + '

    Used for copying Formulae from the cell above.

    30. SHIFT + F2

    Used for Editing Cell Comment.

    31. SHIFT + F3

    Used for adding a formula to the cell.

    32. SHIFT + F4

    Used for finding the next matched Element.

    33. SHIFT + F5

    Open the Find and Replace window

    34. SHIFT + F8

    F8 command is used to select multiple columns, also known as Extended Select. When Shift + F8 is pressed it locks the selected columns and then you can use arrow keys to move to other columns.

    35. SHIFT + F10

    Display Shortcut Menu in the form of a dialogue box for the selected cell, similar to the right mouse click.

    Hope these shortcuts help you with your Excel work and improve your efficiency.

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    About the author:
    I am a self-taught Blogger and Programmer. I have good sort of knowledge in Technology, PHP, Javascript, HTML, CSS and Python.