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Python File Explorer Project

Python File Explorer Project

Using Python's Tkinter, OS, and shutil modules, we'll create a GUI-based File Explorer in this Python project. It's a beginner-level project, so you'll need a basic understanding of all the libraries, and you'll get to use them in real life with this project. Let's get this party started!

A file manager is a piece of software that allows a user to handle various types of files on a computer. The File Explorer, which is included in all operating systems, is the most prevalent sort of file manager.

Python File Explorer Project is Comprised of the Following Components

The goal is to design a File Manager with a graphical user interface. You'll need a basic grasp of Tkinter, OS, and shutil libraries to develop this.

Prerequisites for the project

The following libraries will be required to complete this python file explorer project:

1. Tkinter is used to develop the graphical user interface (GUI).

2. Operating System (OS) - To operate on a file and its path.

3. Shutil is a command that allows you to copy or move a file.

Python comes with all of the libraries pre-installed.

Structure of the Project Files

To make this python file explorer project, you'll need to follow these steps:

1. Importing the required modules is the first step.

2. Defining the functionality of all the buttons as well as the GUI window's variables.

3. Setting up the window, inserting the components, and closing it.

Source Code for Python File Explorer

from tkinter import *
import tkinter.filedialog as fd
import tkinter.messagebox as mb
import os
import shutil
# Creating the backend functions for python file explorer project
def open_file():
   file = fd.askopenfilename(title='Choose a file of any type', filetypes=[("All files", "*.*")])
def copy_file():
   file_to_copy = fd.askopenfilename(title='Choose a file to copy', filetypes=[("All files", "*.*")])
   dir_to_copy_to = fd.askdirectory(title="In which folder to copy to?")
       shutil.copy(file_to_copy, dir_to_copy_to)
       mb.showinfo(title='File copied!', message='Your desired file has been copied to your desired location')
       mb.showerror(title='Error!', message='We were unable to copy your file to the desired location. Please try again')
def delete_file():
   file = fd.askopenfilename(title='Choose a file to delete', filetypes=[("All files", "*.*")])
   mb.showinfo(title='File deleted', message='Your desired file has been deleted')
def rename_file():
   file = fd.askopenfilename(title='Choose a file to rename', filetypes=[("All files", "*.*")])
   rename_wn = Toplevel(root)
   rename_wn.title("Rename the file to")
   rename_wn.geometry("250x70"); rename_wn.resizable(0, 0)
   Label(rename_wn, text='What should be the new name of the file?', font=("Times New Roman", 10)).place(x=0, y=0)
   new_name = Entry(rename_wn, width=40, font=("Times New Roman", 10)), y=30)
   new_file_name = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file), new_name.get()+os.path.splitext(file)[1])
   os.rename(file, new_file_name)
   mb.showinfo(title="File Renamed", message='Your desired file has been renamed')
def open_folder():
   folder = fd.askdirectory(title="Select Folder to open")
def delete_folder():
   folder_to_delete = fd.askdirectory(title='Choose a folder to delete')
   mb.showinfo("Folder Deleted", "Your desired folder has been deleted")
def move_folder():
   folder_to_move = fd.askdirectory(title='Select the folder you want to move')
   mb.showinfo(message='You just selected the folder to move, now please select the desired destination where you want to move the folder to')
   destination = fd.askdirectory(title='Where to move the folder to')
       shutil.move(folder_to_move, destination)
       mb.showinfo("Folder moved", 'Your desired folder has been moved to the location you wanted')
       mb.showerror('Error', 'We could not move your folder. Please make sure that the destination exists')
def list_files_in_folder():
   i = 0
   folder = fd.askdirectory(title='Select the folder whose files you want to list')
   files = os.listdir(os.path.abspath(folder))
   list_files_wn = Toplevel(root)
   list_files_wn.title(f'Files in {folder}')
   list_files_wn.resizable(0, 0)
   listbox = Listbox(list_files_wn, selectbackground='SteelBlue', font=("Georgia", 10)), rely=0, relheight=1, relwidth=1)
   scrollbar = Scrollbar(listbox, orient=VERTICAL, command=listbox.yview)
   scrollbar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)
   while i < len(files):
       listbox.insert(END, files[i])
       i += 1
# Defining the variables
title = 'File Manager'
background = 'Yellow'
button_font = ("Times New Roman", 13)
button_background = 'Turquoise'
# Initializing the window
root = Tk()
root.resizable(0, 0)
# Creating and placing the components in the window
Label(root, text=title, font=("Comic Sans MS", 15), bg=background, wraplength=250).place(x=20, y=0)
Button(root, text='Open a file', width=20, font=button_font, bg=button_background, command=open_file).place(x=30, y=50)
Button(root, text='Copy a file', width=20, font=button_font, bg=button_background, command=copy_file).place(x=30, y=90)
Button(root, text='Rename a file', width=20, font=button_font, bg=button_background, command=rename_file).place(x=30, y=130)
Button(root, text='Delete a file', width=20, font=button_font, bg=button_background, command=delete_file).place(x=30, y=170)
Button(root, text='Open a folder', width=20, font=button_font, bg=button_background, command=open_folder).place(x=30, y=210)
Button(root, text='Delete a folder', width=20, font=button_font, bg=button_background, command=delete_folder).place(x=30, y=250)
Button(root, text='Move a folder', width=20, font=button_font, bg=button_background, command=move_folder).place(x=30, y=290)
Button(root, text='List all files in a folder', width=20, font=button_font, bg=button_background,
      command=list_files_in_folder).place(x=30, y=330)
# Finalizing the window


file explorer


Congratulations! Using Python's Tkinter, OS, and shutil modules, you've now constructed your own File Manager project. You may use this project to manage files on your computer by opening, moving, deleting, renaming, or copying them, as well as opening, deleting, renaming, and listing all files in a folder.

About the author:
Adarsh Kumar Singh is a technology writer with a passion for coding and programming. With years of experience in the technical field, he has established a reputation as a knowledgeable and insightful writer on a range of technical topics.