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Spring Features

Java Spring Framework is full of features and provides and helps to create Java-based scalable applications. Here, we are discussing some features. Although these are not limited as spring provides dozens of variety of projects such as Spring Data, Spring Cloud, Spring Boot, etc. The following are the Features of the Spring Framework.

  • Flexible

  • Productive

  • Fast

  • Secure

  • Supportive

  • Everywhere

spring features

Fig: Spring Features

Spring is Everywhere

Spring is one of the most popular frameworks worldwide. It is used for enterprise application development in Java. We can use it to create web services, web applications, cloud-based services, etc. It is used by world tech organizations like Google, Alibaba, Amazon, Oracle, etc. Java developers all over the world trust Spring’s libraries. It is used almost everywhere whether streaming TV, connection IoT, eCommerce applications, Banking, etc.

Spring is Flexible

Spring provides flexible third-party libraries and extensions that help developers to build applications. The Inversion of Control (IoC) and Dependency Injection (DI) are the main features of Spring that made it flexible for creating enterprise applications. Spring provides several tools that help developers to build secure, reactive, and cloud-based microservices for the web, even you can use it for complex streaming data flows for enterprise applications.

Spring is Productive

Spring is a productive framework no doubt and after adding the Spring Boot project Spring framework has transformed into a more productive framework. Spring Boot is combined with all the necessities and auto-configured settings. It has an embedded webserver to make microservices development faster. The most important is the integration of spring projects that help to create applications in a row. For example, to create an application it provides a framework, to connect databases it provides Spring Data, to work with Cloud, it provides Spring cloud and for security, it provides Spring security. So, what we need to do is just put them into our application based on the requirement and our application is ready.

Spring is Fast

The performance of the Spring framework is super due to its design and architecture. Spring foundation is focused on the performance that gives the application a fast startup at the starting point, stable execution, and fast shutdown. For better performance and efficiency, Spring projects support the reactive programming model. Spring provides Spring Initializer tool to start with application quickly. With Spring Boot that already equipped with the tools like embedded web server, auto-configured helps developers to build applications with ease. Adding of LiveReload in Spring DevTools removes the issue and need for a server restart.

Spring is Secure

Spring is secure by nature itself, along with the security provided by Java language too, but for more security purposes we can use Spring Security. Spring Security is one of the projects of Spring that is designed to handle the security of any Spring application. Since it is part of the Spring framework, hence it is easy to integrate with the application. Spring quickly handle and deal with security issues and handle them. It closely monitors third-party dependencies, and regular updates to keep our data and applications safe and secure.

Spring is Supportive

The Spring has a vast, global, enormous, and diverse community for all the developers worldwide. Spring provides supports for all no matter where you are residing and what level of knowledge you have. It helps for all ages and capabilities, from complete beginners to industry experts. Spring community provides a variety of resources like videos, guides, tutorials, meetups, support, or even formal training and certification.

About the author:
I am a Java developer by profession and Java content creator by passion. I have over 5 years of experience in Java development and content writing. I like writing about Java, related frameworks, Spring, Springboot, etc.