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Difference Between Class and Object


Object is the produced instance of a class, while class is a mechanism for binding data and its related functions together. The phrases object and class are often used in object-oriented programming, which organizes data into objects to decrease code and application complexity.

Objects interact with one other and modify their state using the available methods. Classes, on the other hand, are passive and do not carry messages; instead, they are utilized to generate objects. A collection of objects of the same kind is referred to as a class. In the comparison table below, the significant difference between object and class is also displayed.

Difference Between Class and Object

What is an Object?

A class instance is what the thing is. In C++, objects are represented as user-defined datatype variables, which are sometimes referred to as instance variables. Each item is connected with a value or a type. The class name is used to call an object.

A university, for example, may be a class, with the institution's professors as the objects. The university in the preceding example is just a plan that guides the operation of a university, but the working bodies inside the university are the instructors, headmaster, director, and others, who are particular persons with specific designations who are members of the class university.

The object that embodies the particular attributes of its class is stored in the computer's memory. The benefit of utilizing an object is that it allows you to create new user-defined data types.

What is a Class in Programming Language?

The class is used to connect data and the methods that go with it. It allows data to be hidden from external usage if necessary. A class is an abstract data type that functions similarly to any other built-in data type found in practically all computer languages.

The int data type, for example, is a built-in data type in C++ that may be used to define as many variables as needed. A class, similarly, serves as a blueprint or plan that describes what data and functions are included in a class object. A class declaration does not create an object, just as an int data type declaration does not create a variable. Objects are declared using classes.

There are two components to class specification: class declaration and class function definitions.

  • The scope and type of its members are specified in the class definition.
  • The implementation of a class function is specified by its definition.

Comparison Table Between Object and Class

Object Class
  • A class is a blueprint that may be used to construct instances, or objects.
  • An object is a class instance that allows programmers to access variables and methods from inside the class.
  • A class is a logical entity that binds data and methods together.
  • Object functions as a class variable.
  • Classes are logically defined.
  • Objects exist in the physical world.
  • When a programmer defines a class, it does not use any memory.
  • When a programmer creates an object, it consumes memory.
  • The class just has to be declared once.
  • Depending on the necessity, objects might be declared many times.


An object saves its state or information in class attributes and exposes their behavior along with called methods when it is instantiated. The idea of an object is used to provide data encapsulation in programming. A class, on the other hand, is a collection of related types of objects that share common characteristics and functions. The stated properties and methods in a class are meant for the class's objects rather than the class itself.

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About the author:
Adarsh Kumar Singh is a technology writer with a passion for coding and programming. With years of experience in the technical field, he has established a reputation as a knowledgeable and insightful writer on a range of technical topics.