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Difference Between HTML and XML

HTML and XML are two markup languages that are often used when building websites. HTML, which stands for "HyperText Markup Language," is a language that is used to organize and show content on the web. It is the most common markup language used to make web pages and web apps. On the other hand, XML, or Extensible Markup Language, is a markup language made to store and move data. It is a flexible and expandable way to show data in a way that both people and computers can understand.

Following a quick introduction to HTML and XML, we will examine the whole list and the distinction between HTML and XML. Let's examine the differences between XML and HTML in detail.

What is HTML?

what is HTML

HTML is an abbreviation for Hypertext Markup Language. Tim Berners created it to make electronic or online pages. Each page is linked to the next using hyperlinks. HTML is used to produce all content on the Internet. HTML permits the incorporation of graphics and text into web pages. HTML has existed in many variants, with HTML5 being the latest. It provides web development projects with structure and a basic layout. HTML is made up of tags and attributes. Tags are included in angle brackets (<>), and characteristics are enclosed in quotations.


  • It is a basic and straightforward language to comprehend. The codes are comprehensible and customizable by all parties.
  • HTML may be used to create web pages since it has multiple tags.
  • It enables the customization of web page content.
  • It gives connections to other sites to facilitate the surfing experience.


  • It is an easy-to-learn Markup language that is frequently used.
  • It is free and requires no special software to operate.
  • Codes may be written in text editors such as notepad. Therefore, no special software is required.


  • Pages may need a great deal of code, which may be challenging to manage.
  • HTML alone cannot authenticate a page. This requires CSS and JavaScript. If just HTML is used to create a page, it is considered static.
  • Creating dynamic pages is not straightforward. HTML documents are static.

What is XML?

what is XML

XML stands for Extensible Markup Language. Unlike HTML, XML is used for data storage and not presentation. It is commonly utilized for data transport. As this is a markup language, both people and robots can readily understand it. XML is hardware-independent. XML permits the usage of elements and the creation of bespoke markup language. XML allows users to construct their tags; these tags are self-descriptive. Developed by W3C in 1996, XML 1.1 is the most recent version. Like HTML, XML tags are enclosed in angle brackets (>).


  • XML simplifies data storage by putting things in plain text format.
  • This is simpler to retrieve than database storage formats.
  • If programs are incapable of viewing other data formats, XML files facilitate the transmission of data.
  • XML is compatible with reading machines, allowing blind individuals and others with various impairments to access data.
  • XML is extendable. It enables users to build self-descriptive tags in any language depending on the application's needs.


  • Simple data storage and transfer.
  • It supports Unicode and multilingual text.
  • Simple to learn and to code.
  • It improves data accessibility.


  • There is no intrinsic data type support.
  • Redundant syntax is present.


  • Used for displaying data
  • Used for storing and transporting data
  • Fixed set of tags
  • Allows users to define their own tags
  • Focused on how data is presented
  • Focused on what data is
  • Primarily used for creating web pages and applications
  • Used for representing data in a human-readable and machine-readable format
  • Has default styling options
  • Does not have default styling options
  • Can include multimedia content
  • Cannot include multimedia content
  • Suitable for creating user-friendly content
  • Suitable for storing and exchanging structured data


In conclusion, HTML and XML are both markup languages, but they are used for different things. HTML is used to organize and show content on the web, and XML is used to store and move data. In HTML, the tags are set, but in XML, users can make their own tags. Because of these differences, HTML and XML are two different technologies that work well together. HTML is used for the front-end of web applications, while XML is used for the back-end.

Even though HTML and XML are different, they both play important roles in web development. Anyone who works with or wants to learn about web technologies can benefit from knowing the differences between HTML and XML.

Related Questions

1. Why is XML better than HTML?

XML offers namespaces support, but HTML doesn't give namespaces support. XML is stringent about concluding tags, but HTML is not. XML tags are expandable but HTML tags are constrained. HTML tags are predefined, but XML tags are undefined.

2. Should I use XML or HTML?

XHTML was created to make HTML more extendable and compatible with various data types (such as XML). In addition, browsers overlook HTML page mistakes and attempt to show the website even if it contains markup problems. Consequently, XHTML has a considerably more stringent error handling.

3. Is XML required for a website?

You are now aware of the importance of having an XML sitemap: having one may improve your site's SEO. If you provide the relevant URLs, Google can easily view your most significant sites and articles. Google will also easily locate updated material, allowing them to determine when a URL must be scanned again.

About the author:
Adarsh Kumar Singh is a technology writer with a passion for coding and programming. With years of experience in the technical field, he has established a reputation as a knowledgeable and insightful writer on a range of technical topics.