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Difference Between While and Do while


Loops are one of the most basic building blocks in programming. We utilise looping instructions if we wish to repeat a sentence numerous times. A loop is a sequence of instructions that repeats a statement based on particular conditions and then repeats the execution of a block or piece of code until the objective is met.

This page offers a descriptive table and points of contrast for differentiating between two often used looping instructions, as well as their usage and sequential implementations.

What exactly is a While Loop?

While loops are a common programming technique in Java and C/C++. Every programming language, such as Java, C, and C++, has a while loop. The while loop is a fundamental function that is simple and straightforward to use. The while loop must first be tested, but if it is true, the loop will be repeated until the default happens. The predicate in a while loop may be any binary value.

The criterion is labelled "true" when an addition controls a non-zero value, and "false" when the result is zero. If the criteria value is a non-zero element, the loop begins with the fed statements; if the criterion value is zero, the loop advances to the next set of fed statements and loops it appropriately. A while-loop command is a popular programming technique due to its simple logic.

When the number of iterations is unknown, this is one of the most fundamental looping structures in computers and programming. The while loop runs a piece of code until the statement is true, which implies the loop will keep running until the required condition is met.

Iteration is associated with the urge to repeat an activity. As with previous control structures, we provide a question to govern the loop's execution. The word loop refers to the circular looping motion that occurs while using flowcharting.

Although the flag's initialization is not technically part of the management structure, it is a prerequisite for the loop to begin. The English version states, "While the sentence is true, execute the following steps." In reality, this loops and is false; the repetition comes to an end.

What exactly is a Do While Loop?

The do while loop works similarly to the while loop, with one key exception: the do-while-loop only considers the precondition after it has finished its instructions, i.e. the first set of iterations, but it always runs at least once. Unlike the while loop, which may be disregarded if the expression is false the first time, the do-while loop ensures that the data set that was first performed appears at least once, even if the criteria are met. This strategy is good when you don't know the exact amount of iterations and repetitions that the input might cause.

The main body of the first loop always occurs before meeting the preconditions, regardless of whether the expression or body contains a null value (zero), since modern programming languages like as Java and C++ allow zero to be inserted into the command slab. The repeating loop picks and performs the appropriate iteration set if the fulfilling requirement is a binary value or anything other than null.

The do-while loop guarantees that the body is correctly performed at first, no matter how true or false the condition is on the first attempt. The precondition for closing the loop, unlike the while loop, is not tested until the loop's assertions are complete. The syntax of the do-while loop is quite similar to that of the while loop, except it includes the semicolon function.

Comparison Table Between While and Do While Loop

While Do while
  • The loop is an entrance control loop since the condition is verified first, followed by the loop's body.
  • The do-while loop is an exit control loop because it executes the body of the loop first and then checks if the condition is true or false.
  • While loop statements may or may not be executed.
  • The do-while loop's statement must be performed at least once.
  • When the condition becomes false, the while loop ends.
  • The compiler continues to execute the loop in the do-while loop as long as the condition is true.
  • To examine the test condition in a while loop, the test condition variable must be initialised beforehand.
  • The variable of the test condition is also initialised in a do-while loop.
  • In a while loop, at the end of the condition, there is no semicolon.
  • In this, at the end of the condition, there is a semicolon.
  • When designing menu-driven applications, loop is not utilised.
  • Because the loop is run at least once, regardless of whether the condition is true or not, it is often used to create menu-driven systems.
  • The number of executions in a while loop is determined by the condition stated in the while block.
  • A minimum of one execution happens in a do-while loop, regardless of the circumstance.
  • Syntax in C language
  • variable initialization;
    variable increment or decrement;

  • Syntax in C language
  • do


Both loops have comparable syntax and operation, with a few minor differences that define their use. While the syntax of a while loop is quite similar to that of a do-while loop, the important difference is that the while loop examines the situation before executing the commands, while the do-while loop performs the assertions but not before examining the loop's state. If the while loop's expression is false on the first attempt, the assertions will not be executed.

About the author:
Adarsh Kumar Singh is a technology writer with a passion for coding and programming. With years of experience in the technical field, he has established a reputation as a knowledgeable and insightful writer on a range of technical topics.