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Difference Between Tuple and List


In computer science, data structures are specialized formats for storing data in an efficient and organized manner. It also allows for simple data access and editing.

Although data structures aren't language-specific, we'll look at two of the implicit data structures offered by Python today: List and Tuples.

Remember how you utilize a well-organized to-do list to make your life simple and organized? The principles behind both data formats are the same. They allow sequential access, which means that a user may only look at the information they contain in a certain sequence.

Difference Between Tuple and List

What is a List?

In Python programming, a list is one of the most common and widely used data structures.

Python offers a more flexible and dynamic array known as a "list," which dynamically scales up or down when adding and removing members, unlike other programming languages like C++ or Java, which have a static array that keeps values of the same kind.

This flexible data structure is used by programmers to store diverse data in a sequential manner. Commas (,) are used to separate data, while square brackets [] are used to hold it. It's a sophisticated tool with indexing and a slew of additional capabilities that make it simple to retrieve, modify, and delete items.

We can use an inbuilt function to insert and pop elements in the list, as well as delete and sort entries that aren't in the tuple.

Characteristics of List

  • The sequence of insertion is kept.
  • Objects that are heterogeneous are permitted.
  • The use of duplicate elements is permitted.
  • Values that are Growable in Nature or Dynamic in Nature should be placed in square brackets.

What is a Tuple?

A tuple is another common Python data structure that, like List, has the capability of holding many components, i.e., heterogeneous data, in a single variable.

All the components of a tuple are enclosed in parenthesis () and separated by commas. The parenthesis is not required. It is, nonetheless, a good idea to employ them.

As a consequence, tuples are more memory efficient than lists. Parenthesis may be used to symbolize many components. Tuples are given large chunks of memory. Python allocates memory to tuples in terms of bigger blocks with no cost since tuples are immutable.

Sets and dictionaries are both unordered collections of data surrounded by curly braces. A tuple may be used as a dictionary key since it is immutable.

Comparison Table Between List and Tuple

List Tuple
  • In a single variable, the list is an ordered collection of heterogeneous components.
  • A tuple is a single variable that contains an ordered collection of arbitrary components.
  • A list is made up of square brackets[] and comma-separated components.
  • Tuples are made up of components separated by parentheses () and commas.
  • Lists may be changed.
  • Tuples are unchangeable.
  • The list is kept as a series of discrete memory chunks connected together by pointers. As a result, it takes up more RAM.
  • Single and smaller memory regions are used to store tuples.
  • Append(), pop(), insert(), delete(), clear(), index(), count(), and other built-in methods are supported by List.
  • Only index() and count() are built-in functions in Tuples ().
  • A list is a data structure with configurable size and more flexibility.
  • Tuple has a fixed size and resists modifications owing to its immutability.
  • Due to its variable nature, the dictionary does not allow list as a key.
  • Due to their hashable and immutable nature, tuples are used as a key in dictionaries

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About the author:
Adarsh Kumar Singh is a technology writer with a passion for coding and programming. With years of experience in the technical field, he has established a reputation as a knowledgeable and insightful writer on a range of technical topics.