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Full Form of APK

Acronym Full-Form
APK Android Application Package

What is an APK File?

APK stands for Android Package. Android utilizes this file type to distribute and install applications. Consequently, an APK contains all of the components required for an application to install successfully on your device.

APKs are archive files, meaning they include several files as well as metadata about them. You are likely familiar with other archive file formats, such as ZIP and RAR.

APK files permit the installation of applications on an Android device. They are comparable to the APPX files used to install Store apps on Windows 10, as well as package files on other platforms. When an APK is opened on a device, it comprises installation instructions and information about the package itself.

APK full form

APK is very much like the other Microsoft Windows software packages like the Debian package or APPX in debian-based software applications.

What contains an APK file?

Android packages include all of the required files for a single Android application. Listed below are the most important files and folders:

  • META-INF/: Holds the manifest file, signature, and a list of the archive's resources.
  • lib/: Native device architecture-specific libraries (armeabi-v7a, x86, etc.)
  • res/: Images and other resources that were not collected into resources.
  • arsc assets/ : Unprocessed resource files that developers package with the application
  • AndroidManifest.xml: Describes the name, version, and content of the classes within the APK file. dex: The Java classes that will be executed on the device (.DEX file)
  • resources.
  • arsc: The application's compiled resources, such as strings (.ARSC file)

APK: Important Information

  • An APK file contains assets, certificates, resources, manifest files, application programs such as dex files etc.
  • APK files may need any name like other file formats, but the file name must be finished in the apk file extension for recognition.
  • Only after clicking on a setting known as Unknown Sources, which allows installation from sources apart from branded ones, including Google Play can the Android framework help clients install the APK data files.
  • This can be used for a multitude of reasons, like installing non-store apps or installing an earlier version.
  • It is safer to downgrade an application through Android Debug Bridge, as it allows data to be saved, it is also possible to do it by uninstalling the new version.

About the author:
Expert technical writer who simplifies complex technological concepts for lay audiences. Focused on providing insightful analysis and entertaining listicles on a wide variety of topics in the technology sector.