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Full Form of HD

Acronym Full-Form
HD High Definition

What is High Definition?

The full form of HD is High Definition which refers to the new standard for image resolution. The display resolution here is higher than the standard definition or SD. The features that make the High Definition (HD) image stand out are its clarity and high resolution.

The clarity of your desktop, television, or laptop depends on the display resolution. If the monitor supports HD resolution, it is bound to display images of higher resolution than Standard Definition.

HD Definition

Although HD doesn't have a standardized definition, if a video image has more than 576 vertical lines in Europe and 480 vertical scan lines in North America, then it is understood as an HD video image. Apart from this, if the image is captured by a camera at over 50 frames/ second in Europe and 60 frames/sec in North America, then they are considered to be HD images.

There are a number of additional terms like Full HD, HD Ready, and Ultra HD or 4K which denote the resolution of the display of a laptop, TV, etc.

  • On full HD screens, you get 1920x 1,080 pixels and
  • On HD ready or HD screens, you get 1280 x 720 pixels which means 720p image resolution.
  • On Ultra HD or 4K screens, you get 3840x2160 pixels.

The higher the resolution, the better the image quality.

Benefits of HD:

These are some of the major benefits of HD:

  • Improved color quality: You get vivid colors in an HD TV with a large variety of hues. If you are watching a wildlife documentary, you can see the bright colours of fishes or you can also see the bold green color of grass when you are watching a match.
  • Widescreen viewing: You get a wider screen view on an HD TV that generally comes with a 16:9 screen format. So, you can watch it from anywhere in your room.
  • Better clarity: With the higher resolution, you also get higher image clarity and a better viewing experience, where even the drip of the blood of the villain can be seen, also the drops of tears from the actors.
  • Convenient: As the HD TV is a lot more lightweight and thin, it is easier to carry and handle than its older versions. You can mount it easily on the wall.

About the author:
Expert technical writer who simplifies complex technological concepts for lay audiences. Focused on providing insightful analysis and entertaining listicles on a wide variety of topics in the technology sector.