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Full Form of ETC

Acronym Full-Form
ETC Et cetera

Et cetera or Etc. is a Latin language word which has been included in English without making any changes.

In Latin, the meaning of Et cetera is "and the rest". The meaning of Et cetera in Latin is "and the rest". It can be understood as "other similar things" in the contexts where it's used today.


ETC Uses: How and Where

When you are writing similar things, you can write them by putting a comma in between and then when you do not want to mention all the things (in case the list is very long) you can just put "etc." after the "," so that the sentence will not be lengthy all the similar things don't have to be mentioned. "Etc." can be used as an alternative to "so on"

It is only at the end of the sentence that you write "etc."

For instance, in the sentence: We have to get pencils, erasers, notebooks, pens, paper, paper clips, sharpeners, whiteners, and glue from the stationery.

Here, instead of writing all the things that we need to get from the stationery shop, we can simply write: We have to get pencils, erasers, notebooks, etc. from the stationery.

Other Full Forms of ETC

The other full form of an etc list

  • Electronic Toll Collection
  • Earth Terrain Camera
  • Estimated Time of Completion
  • Electronic Toll Collection
  • Evil Type Correction
  • Experiment Test Cycle

About the author:
Expert technical writer who simplifies complex technological concepts for lay audiences. Focused on providing insightful analysis and entertaining listicles on a wide variety of topics in the technology sector.