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Full Form of ICT

Acronym Full-Form
ICT Information and Communications Technology

What is ICT?

ICT is the technology used to manage communications activities such as telecommunications, broadcast media, intelligent building management systems, audiovisual processing and transmission systems, and network-based control and monitoring functions.

Although ICT is frequently used as a synonym for information technology (IT), its scope is broader in several aspects. ICT is frequently used to indicate the convergence of many technologies and the utilisation of common transmission lines conveying a wide variety of data and communication forms.

ICT full form

ICT: Components

Both, the internet-enabled sphere as well as the mobile one, powered by wireless networks, are a part of the ICT. Also, the antiquated technologies, such as landline telephones, radio and television broadcasts -- all of which are still widely used today are included in it.

Sometimes used synonymously with IT, ICT generally represents a broader and more comprehensive list of all components related to computer and digital technologies than IT.

The components of ICT form an exhaustive list that continues to grow. Also, ICT is much more than just its components. It is also the application of all those various components. Only here can we find the real power, potential, and danger of ICT.

ICT: Importance

  • Today, society fundamentally requires ICT.
  • ICT is utilized by Business organizations in multiple ways to improve get clients, profitability, enhance their efficiency, and so on.
  • Other smart or intelligent functionality is introduced by the ICT institutions to current technologies.
  • Economic development is directly or indirectly influenced by the ICT sector.
  • ICT can also be used to improve enterprise advertising and development.
  • Knowingly or unknowingly many of the products and services depend on ICT.

ICT: Societal and Economic Impact

For economic, societal, and interpersonal transactions and interactions, ICT is leveraged. Today, there is a drastic change in how people communicate, work, learn, and live and most of it is due to ICT. As first computers and now robots do most of the human tasks, ICT makes its presence felt in revolutionizing all parts of the human experience. For instance, there used to be operators on the other end of phone calls, who connected the call to the required number. But today this process has become much faster and it doesn't require a person to be stationed as an operator. The whole process has become automatic by the use of machines, i.e. by the use of ICT. No doubt this is the digital age.

About the author:
Expert technical writer who simplifies complex technological concepts for lay audiences. Focused on providing insightful analysis and entertaining listicles on a wide variety of topics in the technology sector.